My favorite social network



Instagram is an application and social network of American origin, owned by Facebook, whose main function is Instagram is an application and social network of American origin, owned by Facebook, whose main function is to be able to share photos and videos with other users. It is available for Android, iOS and Windows 10 devices. Created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger, Instagram was launched in October 201o

  ·    What is the function of Instagram?

Instagram is a social network and application that helps us tell everyday stories through images and videos. Its main objective is to give its users a space to share their experiences, desires, achievements and experiences, in a graphic way, thus attracting greater attention

·    Instagram benefits

ü     Is free.

ü     It has many editing options.

ü     It is easy to operate.

ü     You can block other accounts.

ü     Build trust.

·    Disadvantages of Instagram

ü   Requires a lot of visual creativity

ü   Not everyone has access to Instagram

ü   It may imply a limitation on the contents

ü   Does not allow adding links in descriptions

ü   There is the possibility of image theft

ü   Not all its scope is organic

ü   May give less visibility

ü  Users can easily unfollow you

ü   Maintains strict rules


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